Friday, December 21, 2007

Get rid of spects. Naturally

Yes it's true. It helped me and it can help you.

I recently heard of this place in Pondicherry where you can do a course to get perfect eyesight. At first, i did not believe it. But when I found that a cousin of mine had got rid of her spects thanks to a similar centre in Kolkata, I decided to give it a shot. The methods they teach are astonishingly successful. The success rate seems to be close to 100% for those who diligently pursue it. It is very surprising to see that such a method exists and is hardly advertised/talked about. Although most eye doctors say that there is no non-surgical treatment that can cure nearsightedness, it's their lack of awareness and nothing else.

For those who want to try it out:-

School of Perfect Eyesight, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry - 605001.
Ph: +91 413 337156
Website ( click )

In Kolkata:-
1st floor, 6, Jadulal Mullick road, (Malapara), Kolkata
Ph: +91 9433560964 ; 9231585284

P.S. -- Although there's no "catch", be warned that it does take effort and diligence to achieve results. Don't expect to pop a pill and reach heaven.